România va finanța instruirea piloților ucraineni pe avioanele de luptă F-16 la baza aeriană Fetești


România va finanța instruirea piloților ucraineni pe avioanele de luptă F-16 la baza aeriană Fetești.

Costurile vor acoperi cazarea și masa piloților, transportul acestora, combustibilul consumat în timpul instruirii, furnizarea de echipamente speciale și alte bunuri și servicii conexe.

Romania to finance training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets at Fetesti air base
The costs will cover the pilots’ accommodation and meals, their transportation, fuel consumed during the training, provision of special equipment, and other related goods and services.

The Romanian publication Profit reported that the Romanian state budget will cover the costs of training Ukrainian pilots on F-16 aircraft at the Fetesti military air base.

The Romanian publication reports that Romania will use funds from the defense ministry’s budget to cover expenses related to the presence of Ukrainian pilots and technical personnel at the Fetesti air base for F-16 training.

This includes costs for accommodation, food, transportation, fuel consumed during training, provision of special equipment, and other related goods and services.


Romania to finance training of Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets at Fetesti air base

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